Signup Module pre-populates after registered Joomla users logins.

13 Jun 2011 08:34 #1386 by osagatech
joomlamailer version: 1.7
Joomla! version: 1.5.23
PHP version: 5.2.14
MySQL version: 5.0.91

After a registered Joomla user logs in, the field for the mailchimp newsletter signup pre-populates with that users info. I do not want this to happen. Please see the screen-caps at this link:

Can i prevent this from happening?

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13 Jun 2011 15:33 #1400 by pete
Hi osagatech,

You need to edit the file /modules/mod_mailchimpsignup/tmpl/default.php Remove the if statement in line 243 to 255 :
if(!$user->guest && $field[0] == 'EMAIL'){ $field[2] = $user->email; } else if(!$user->guest && $field[0] == 'FNAME'){ $fname = explode(' ',$user->name); $field[2] = $fname[0]; } else if(!$user->guest && $field[0] == 'LNAME'){ $field[2] = ''; $lname = explode(' ',$user->name); for($i=1;$i<count($lname);$i++){ $field[2] .= $lname[$i].' '; } $field[2] = JText::_(trim($field[2])); }

Please be aware that you have to repeat that after each joomlamailer update!

Kind regards,

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13 Jun 2011 19:12 #1405 by osagatech
Thanks Pete, worked like a charm!


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