Signup Module to link to the Registration form

31 Aug 2011 14:35 #1984 by gatekeepa
joomlamailer version: 1.7.2
Joomla! version: 1.7.0 stable
PHP version: 5.2.17

hello everybody,

i'm trying to have a mailchimp signup module on my frontpage in the left sidebar, which i accomplished.
the module has one input box for the users email adress. if a user enters his email adress i want to redirect him to a more complex form, where he is able to add his name and specify his interests via checkboxes. his email adress entered earlier should be automatically inserted into the new form.

i tried to watch the tutorials on this site, but it seems they're offline for the moment. i would appreciate any hints to point me in the right direction.

greets from germany.

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31 Aug 2011 14:43 #1985 by pete
Hello gatekeepa,

What you're trying to achieve is not possible with the joomlamailer signup module. You can show all interest groups as checkboxes right in the module but there is no redirection to another form of any kind.

The tutorial videos are direct links to youtube and they all seem to work for me right now. Maybe it was just a temporary outage.

Kind regards,

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