Installing joomlamailer component

22 Mar 2015 16:26 #2558 by HerrSamstag

i run some joomla installations on my webspace, one is publicly available, the rest is just for testings and website developements.

I can install the joomlamailer component without any problems except on the public site - i can load up the component (MailChimp integration) so far until it shows the orange button which says "Complete the installation", after clicking the error report site shows up with content as follows between the asterisks, see also the attached screen below:

Unpacking Files
Updating Database
Installing Extensions

Cancel Send
Send error report

The following report will be sent to

2015-03-22 14:06:49
Installation error on: http://

joomlamailer: 2.1.2 (2015-03-03)
Joomla! 2.5.6 Stable [ Ember ] 19-June-2012 14:00 GMT
PHP: 5.5.22
Database: mysqli (5.5.39)
Contact (optional)

Additional information (optional)

The following error(s) occurred during the installation:

Cancel Send


A gif-load -sign in the upper area is turning on and on, thats it. Clicking on send or cancel doesn't change anything.

When i call up the backend i can see under "components" menu the menu "newsletter" and there "lists" "campaigns" "reports", clicking one of them leads to the error site as described above.

Maybe it helps to mention that one of my testing installations where i could install joomlamailer sucessfully first were using the same mysql base like the public site and so i could see the menu in "components" and some other things (plugins, modules a.s.o.) in the backend of the public site. Basically pretty idiotic but you know: sh*t happens. And i already fixed that. But maybe the error is because of that?

Thanks a lot for your time & hopefully help!



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23 Mar 2015 00:06 #2559 by HerrSamstag
Problem solved. After studying the error-log in the c-panel i discovered the rights for the joomla folder ..administrator/components in the public site was on 766, while in other installations i checked it is on 755.
So the error-log showed up a message as follows:

[Sun Mar 22 20:57:47 2015] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/.sites/xxx/sitexxx/web/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/components/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable, referer: xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx/administrator/index.p...n&view=installer

Consider it ~gone~. :)

Thx & best,


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