Community Builder Database Error

27 Sep 2012 02:04 #2331 by qdsouza
joomlamailer version: 1.7.2
Joomla! version: 1.5
PHP version: 5.2
MySQL version: 5.0

I have been working with integrating Joomailer into my Joomla Account. I would like Community Builder to pass the fields to auto subscribe to my Mailchimp account.

I started to use Joomlamailer and that seems to work for the most part. I can get the joomla users list to import into the Mailchimp list.

However, I cant get it to match up the fields though, so that once a registration happens it also does the same thing on Mailchimp. On Joomla, when I get into my list and try to merge the fields with Community Builder I get the following error.

Table 'd60675209.n8xiq_joomailermailchimpintegration_custom_fields' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO n8xiq_joomailermailchimpintegration_custom_fields ( `listID`, `name`, `framework`, `dbfield`, `grouping_id`, `type` ) VALUES ('43f41bc7a0', 'First Name', 'CB', 'firstname', 'FNAME', 'field' )

Any ideas?


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